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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

IVM CLI Examples to set HEA Attributes on Power Systems (p6)

What does the command line interface (CLI) syntax look like for setting host Ethernet adapter (HEA) attributes?

VIO Server 1.5 and 2.x can run on entry level p6 Power System servers which can be managed using the Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) graphical and command line interfaces. Most of the graphical functions are intuitive, but it helps to have examples of some commonly requested syntax for configuring the HEA adapter using IVM CLI.


Following are some examples of setting the most command HEA attributes using IVM CLI interface.

- Setting promiscuous LPAR option on a HEA port.
Example sets the promisc attribute on port 1 of group 1 to LPAR ID 1 (the VIO server).

chhwres -r hea -o s -l 23000000 -g 1 -a promisc_lpar_id=1 --physport 1

- Setting the MES value on an HEA adapter (requires system to be power cycled)
Example sets the MES value for port group 1 to value of 1 (default value is 4).

chhwres -r hea -l 23000000 -g 1 -o s -a pend_port_group_mcs_value=1

The 23000000 number in above commands is the adapter ID. The adapter ID for Power System models can differ. Use the lshwres command to view the adapter ID as well as other attributes of the HEA device.

lshwres -r hea --rsubtype phys --level port

lshwres -r hea --rsubtype phys --level port_group

You can run lshwres or chhwres on the IVM command line to get usage syntax. You should also be able to view the man pages or view the command descriptions documented in following reference.

Virtual I/O Server and Integrated Virtualization Manager command descriptions

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